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A fallen clock with issues

A client asked if I could repair his 8 bells ships clock that had fallen off the wall and now wouldn’t strike. Taking a look at the case, there were no dents or scratches that would suggest a nasty fall, but once opened it was evident that the clock had taken a nasty shock as the front and back plates were bent. I did investigate replacing the plates as it was a Hermle 132-071SC movement, but I could not source them. I told the owner a replacement movement could be put in but the cost was quite heavy, he was happy to proceed.

Given that I could put a replacement movement in, I decided to strip this movement down, and see if any of the wheels and pinions were bent, to my amazement everything was perfect, I straightened the plates to the best of my abilities, then slowly re-assembled the wheels, checking for anything that was out of true, and was pleased to get the movement working correctly again!

A lucky escape for the owner.

Anyway here is the video of my work.